Freedom Plaza News

Playing Pickleball at Freedom Village

Playing Pickleball In Our Active Community

🏓 Our residents are enjoying the sun, and the pickleball courts are heating up!

Ally & The Boys Celtic Concert

Ally & The Boys took the stage in the Arizona Ballroom for a fantastic live performance.

Saint Patrick’s Day Social Hour

We kicked off the festivities with a social hour, giving everyone a chance to catch up and connect with neighbors.

Join Our March Lunch And Learn

Come experience Freedom Plaza—Peoria’s premier senior living community! 🌟

Freedom Plaza Arizona Throws The Best Senior Living Parties

Who throws the best senior living parties around?? 🎉 That would have to be US!!


Mardi Gras Celebration Photobooth

t was a celebration full of laughter, fun, and plenty of snapshots! 🥳

David Saliamonas

David Saliamonas Piano Concert

With each note, memories awaken, hearts are lifted, and joy fills the room. 🎶✨ David…

The Freedom Plaza Bus Departs To Zeta’s Grill

From savory spices to mouthwatering flavors, it was a meal to remember.

Our Groovy Valentines Day Party Featuring YesterYear

“YesterYear” took us all back to the 60’s to show us that the joy of music and romance never gets old! ❤️

Couples and Galentines Moments At The Valentines Photobooth

Our residents truly celebrated love at our Valentine’s event! 💖

Celebrating TuBiShvat

In Celebration Of Tu BiShvat

To celebrate the Jewish Holiday, Tu BiShvat, we’re honoring the New Year for Trees by creating delicious chocolate fruit flower bouquets

Arizona Broadway Trip

Residents Take A Trip To AZ Broadway

Our residents took a fantastic trip to AZ Broadway for an evening filled with music, drama, and dazzling performances! 🎶💃

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