Freedom Plaza News

The Inn Assisted Living’s Taco Tuesday Fiesta!

It’s tac-o’clock, and we’re having our guac and eating it too!

Plaza Del Rio Scholarship Award Ceremony | August 2022

We proudly presented the Plaza del Rio applicants with their scholarship awards!

A Cafe in Paris – Celebrating 33 Years of Freedom Plaza Arizona

A café with a view! Why fly over 5000 miles when we can bring Paris to Freedom Plaza?

Freedom Plaza’s 33rd Anniversary Celebration

Our residents came dressed to impress as they danced and toasted the night away.

Perfect Your Woodworking at Freedom Plaza Arizona

Interested in taking up a new hobby? Come over to our Woodworking Shop! Learn new skills or polish those you’ve had for years.


Clip n’ Snip Card Making Class

Have you ever found yourself in the gift section of the grocery store not knowing which card to choose for your friend’s birthday?

Chair Volleyball is a Hit at Freedom Plaza

Our residents love putting their game faces on for an activity that has it all.

Computer Troubleshooters

The White Point Digital team was on-site at Freedom Plaza Arizona to answer questions and help residents solve computer and device problems.


Resident Spotlight: David Foltz

Say hello to David Foltz, one of our crafty and talented residents at Freedom Plaza Arizona!

Coffee House Social at Freedom Plaza Arizona

There is nothing quite like a hot cup of coffee and good conversation. This special morning social hour was the perfect combination of the two.

Summer Fun at Freedom Plaza

Just another fun-filled day in our indoor pool! How’s your Summer going?🏊🌞


An American Tribute: 4th of July Celebration

Freedom Plaza celebrated Independence Day with a stirring musical tribute to our country.